a 501(c)3 non-profit org.

The awesome hero's journey of LOVE
Join us on Valentine's Day, Friday, Feb. 14th to explore the Hero's Journey of Love at 12 noon pacific time. We'll watch 12 clips from 12 classic films. We'll laugh, cry, discuss, debate and sigh at the beauty and mystery of our most potent emotion. Be warned: These stories are designed to suck you in, break your heart, then put it back together again.
All are welcome. There is no cost for this program.

Ordinary World - When Harry Met Sally
Call To Adventure - the Notebook
Refusal of the Call - Deadpool
Meeting the Mentor - Somewhere in Time
Crossing the Threshold - Titanic
Tests, Allies & Enemies - The Princess Bride
Approach to the Inmost Cave - Westside Story
The Ordeal - On Golden Pond
The Reward - Annie Hall
The Road Back - Sixteen Candles
Resurrection - Ghost
Return with Elixir - Casablanca
This list is very subjective. There's a good chance your favorite films aren't included - many of mine are not. It is one presentation of love - one in an infinite number of possibilities.