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Taking Parkinson's Back to the Future

​2025 marks the 40 year anniversary of Michael J. Fox's most iconic role of Marty McFly in Back to the Future. Yes, And...eXercise is proud to host a free, online discussion to celebrate and explore Michael J. Fox's Hero's Journey through 12 films in his career that give further understanding of who he is, what he's been through and why he means so much to so many of us. As the discussion of rebranding Parkinson's disease is heating up, this is a perfect time to come together to discuss what has been and what we will be.

We will watch clips from 12 different films and the recurring themes that mark his

hero's journey. Click here to join us for this special 90-minute online presentation on

Friday, Jan. 10 at 12 noon pacific.


A Cinema Therapy course featuring Back to The Future

will begin in January 2025.


Michael J. Fox is a phenomenal actor with a wide variety of credits spanning four decades. He's also the most well-known person with Parkinson's disease (PD) on the planet. The Michael J. Fox Foundation has funded over two billion dollars in research since it was founded in 2000.

"If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything," Marty McFly.


The movies and the journey

The Hero's Journey was created by Joseph Campbell. In brief, Campbell studied stories from around the world, going back as far back to the cave dwellers paintings of their hunts. He coined the term "monomyth"in his famous book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, to describe the way we're all telling, essentially, the same story regardless of language, culture or time period. Christopher Vogler's 12-stage adaptation of Campbell's work in The Writer's Journey has been used to help filmmakers connect with audiences. 


We will look at clips from twelve films starring Michael J. Fox to give us a unique picture of who he is, the themes he's brought to light and discuss how he's had such an amazing impact on so many people's lives. Click here to join us for this special online presentation on Friday, Jan. 10 at 12 noon pacific.


Rock Maze
Desert Highway

Michael J. Fox's Hero's Journey
Stages & Films

Ordinary World - Back to the Future (1985)

Call to Adventure - Teen Wolf (1985)

Refusal of the Call - Secret of My Success (1987)

Meeting the Mentor - Light of Day (1987)

Crossing the Threshold - Bright Lights, Big City (1988)

Tests, Allies & Enemies - Casualties of War (1989)

The Approach to the Inmost Cave -

Back to the Future II (1989) 

The Ordeal - The Hard Way (1991)

The Reward -  Doc Hollywood (1991)

The Road Back - The American President (1995)

Resurrection - The Frighteners (1996)

Return with Elixir - Back to the Future III (1990)

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